Thursday, June 15, 2006

Does This Happen to You?

I'm pretty healthy when compared to other Americans. I work out, I eat pretty darn well, my drinking only occurs occasionally, I get a good night's rest regularly, I don't smoke, I always (well, started a year ago) wear SPF why oh why do I suffer such terrible PMS?

That Cookie Avalanche has disappeared...I can't make up my mind between sweet and salty...I've even dipped into B's potato chips.

I don't get sick...cold, flu, occasional intenstinal things, but for the most part, not sick. My little antibodies are strong as a whip. I rarely even suffer from allergies anymore. So why why why! do I have to have crazy hormonal imbalances?

Is there anything I can do?


Harmonia said...

Between the ages of 14 and 16 it was really bad...I would lash out at certain people...and the last year or two every few months as well...I think it's my Vitamin B...therefore I started taking vitamins. I double up around that time of the I did back when I was 15-16 and foud it helped. Not sure if that is the case for everyone but it seems to work for me.

Have you registered over at vegginout yet?

Harmonia said...

(mind you that was over 10 years ago...but I think you knew that)


Catherine Weber said...

My PMS symptoms vary month to month it seems, but I always seem to break out, and get this incredible, uncontrollable fatigue. I turn into a sloth for about 4 days! Sheesh.

Also, I have a rule: I am allowed to eat whatever I want on the first day of my period, and it doesn't count. I started this rule way back a year and a half ago when I was trying to lose weight, and I still managed to lose 25 pounds! One day of indulgence never did much damage.

Anonymous said...

well, it could have been worse..