Thursday, June 15, 2006

Does This Happen to You?

I'm pretty healthy when compared to other Americans. I work out, I eat pretty darn well, my drinking only occurs occasionally, I get a good night's rest regularly, I don't smoke, I always (well, started a year ago) wear SPF why oh why do I suffer such terrible PMS?

That Cookie Avalanche has disappeared...I can't make up my mind between sweet and salty...I've even dipped into B's potato chips.

I don't get sick...cold, flu, occasional intenstinal things, but for the most part, not sick. My little antibodies are strong as a whip. I rarely even suffer from allergies anymore. So why why why! do I have to have crazy hormonal imbalances?

Is there anything I can do?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's Not Much...but It's an Update.

I've been extremely busy.

Number 5 is a very busy place. Catering by Number 5 has a lot of organization that needs to be done. I enjoy doing what I'm doing, I just wish I had more hours in the day.

All this work and I'm training for a marathon. YIKES! I've played with running in the mornings...I've done this before, in LA for the marathon, with about a thousand other people. It's a different story when you're on your own.

B is now joining me at the gym (I know that some of you are gasping for breath right now). So we go together and do our seperate things. We're still working out the logistics the workouts since mine are about 2.5 times the length of his. Again, more hours please.

And cooking...although I'm still enjoying Vegan Fare, I don't do the elaborate meal preparation much anymore. Check out my MWM:)

Harmonias Midweek Munchies Meme

Midweek Munchies: What YOUR NAME is contributing for the week

B did the shopping. What a great guy.

1 cucumber*
1 box grape tomatoes*
2 Smart Waters
1 Soy Delicious Cookie Avalanche
1 bag baby spinach*
3 Pink Lady Apples
1 Cantalope
1 bag Newman's Own Pretzels
Annies Green Goddess Dressing
1 box strawberries
1 bag frozen raspberries
fresh salsa(wow, I'm lazy)
1 container Illy Espresso
1 pkg. whole wheat english muffins

Links to other Midweek Munchies
(If you participate, leave your link in the comments and I'll post it below; or, you can post in the comments)

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Click here for Harmonia's blog

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A special thanks to Running2Ks and Rift for all of their help with coding, graphics, and encouragement for this project.

PURPOSE of Midweek Munchies: Put together by a small group of Veg Women, we hope to spread the word about healthy vegetarianism while obtaining idea starters for meals, recipes, learn about new products, and meet other female veg*n bloggers. Visiting and commenting on other participants lists are encouraged but not required. Have fun and Go Veg!

One aspect of working that I like is that my food is very regular. I eat breakfast at the same time every day. I have a snack of watermelon mid-morning (if I have time to remember to eat it). Lunch is a crispy cold salad. Afternoon snack is an apple or raw almonds or almonds/pretzels. I am very successful in my weightloss efforts on such a regular diet.

Lately, dinner has been boring. B is now eating protein shakes at every meal. This is combined with simple stuff like burgers or something on the grill. I've been eating PB & J on my english muffins, toasted of course.

Not exciting...but it's an update.